Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Carousel Painter by Judith Miller

Another Christian book! I'm definitely reading in a pattern lately. I liked this book. It was a mystery, a journey (to Christianity, of course) and a romance. It was sweet and totally clean.

But it's not among my favorites for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it had feminist overtones and although I rooted for our main character to keep her job in a man's world and all that, I am not sure I root for that general principle. Not sure that I don't. But... Also, I felt that the injustice she experienced--her father's death, the false accusations, the unfriendly co-workers, unfriendly "friends", the theft, etc, well, it was a bit oppressive. Just a bit. And her relationship with her boyfriend lacked chemistry. If you're telling a love story, you gotta have chemistry. And I guessed the bad guy from the first--he was a stand-out wrong un. The whole story was fairly predictable.

But! It was a cute book. Fun to read. Engaging. Just not one of my favorites.

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