Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Strange Affair of Adelaide Harris by Leon Garfield

This was an absolutely charming book! Written in 1971 and set in the mid 18th century, this book is the story of a lost baby, a mystery, a romance, a duel and of a Spartan custom. It is funny and witty and full of twists and turns. This is a book I'd like in my collection, for sure. I am eager to read the rest of Leon Garfield's books.

I'm often mystified at the genre labeling of literature. You can find an amazing variety of books in the children's section. And you'll find books that seem appropriate for children (like "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie") in the adults' section! So many books that are clever and sophisticated and totally pleasurable for adults end up languishing in the children's section! Well, I guess they're checked out by children, so they're not exactly languishing, but we adults don't get to find them unless they're recommended to us by our children! I need to spend more time trolling the children's section at the library, though, because that's where I found this little jewel. Totally delightful!

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