Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Garden in the Rain by Lynn Kurland

This is another time traveling romance/adventure story by our squeaky clean Lynn Kurland. And I have to take back what I said earlier about being irritated by LK's "formula" novels. I guess they do use the same formula, but each one does stand alone, with its own version of the historical thing. I have really liked all I've read so far.

This one tells the story of Patrick MacLeod, the first guy to travel from the Medieval Highlands to 20th century Scotland. Patrick is a rather complex guy with some serious fears that keep him from committing to his ladylove (Madelyn). He makes it, though, after she's fallen into some deep trouble.

There is an unrealistically nasty bad guy who is the fiance of the lady Patrick is falling in love with. Really, I had trouble believing all the mean things he did. That was just the teensiest bit implausible.

But I shouldn't be so picky. It was a fun, lighthearted romance with just enough Medieval verisimilitude thrown in to make me feel virtuously "educated" on that period in history. I'm loving these Lynn Kurland books. Lots more still to go!

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