Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Dear Charlotte by Hazel Holt

This is a charming little book written in the epistolary style--why do I like books that are written in letters so much? In her letters, we meet Elinor Cowper, sister to the Dear Charlotte whose absence makes possible the reading of our story.

This is kind of a Jane Austen-type novel--except it isn't really because it's a mystery. Mrs. Woodstock, an unpleasant, domineering lady of the neighborhood has, after many years of complaining (vociferously) of ill health, passed away. But was it a natural death? The local magistrate, Sir Edward, must investigate. And of course Elinor must report all she learns from Sir Edward and her other neighbors to her absent sister Charlotte.

This is a gentle book--not suspenseful, not unexpected in any way, but charming and sweet, with a satisfying ending.

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