Sunday, June 3, 2012

Captain Wentworth Home From the Sea by Mary Lydon Simonsen

Another Persuasion spin-off, this one is novella length and features Captain Wentworth after he has experienced a traumatic brain injury. He has been invalided out of the navy and returns without his memory to Kellynch hall and his sister Sophie. Anne just happens to be there housekeeping temporarily (the housekeeper is on a little vacation) for Sophie and her Admiral. So the reader is led to wonder: without a history behind them, can Frederick and Anne still fall in love?

That's the plot behind this "re-imagining of Jane Austen's Persuasion". 

As you can see, I'm on a bit of a Persuasion kick. There's one more of this type of novel that I have yet to review. This one is...okay. I didn't feel quite as at home with Ms.Simonsen's characterizations of this famous couple as I did with Susan Kaye's. Both main characters seem rather one-dimensional and stiff. Nothing was added to my knowledge or perception about either Anne or Frederick. Of course, if you are a Persuasion enthusiast, it's just fun to read about the characters in almost any setting...

Note, there were a few married sex scenes that were not too graphic.

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