Monday, March 18, 2013

The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson

     This is one of those personality analysis books. It was recommended to me by a friend who found it rather life-changing. It contains information on 9 personality types and includes the tests to determine which personality type the reader is.

     I do not know how these kinds of personality analysis systems are created, but I find them pretty fascinating. The tests in this book were short and easy and the analyses were clear and full of information. I liked the description of both unhealthy and healthy versions of each personality type--it's cool to try to figure out where you are on that spectrum. After I took the tests myself and read about my personality types (I was pretty evenly split between two types), I administered the test to every member of my family that I could get to sit still long enough to answer the test questions. I enjoyed the insights the book gave me into their personalities too! I love trying to figure out myself and the people I love, so I really liked the book and highly recommend it. 


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