Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

     This is the first of a trilogy. The second is The Well of Ascension and the final book is The Hero of Ages. I'll read and review them all here.

     Brandon Sanderson is the author of the fantasy novel Elantris, which I really liked--I found it very memorable. He's also the co-author of the final Robert Jordan books, written by Sanderson from Jordan's notes that he (Jordan) left behind after his death (from cancer, I believe). Brandon Sanderson is the real deal of fantasy writers--he creates detailed, full-bodied worlds that the reader can get completely lost in.

    First, let me say that this book is LONG--over 650 pages--and the two following books are even longer. So it's a time commitment--or a delicious promise, however you happen to look at it.

     When I first encountered this book, somewhere I read that its premise went something like this: what if the hero went to conquer the darkness and the darkness won? That "what-if" stayed in my imagination for months (this book sat on my shelf waiting for me for awhile), and it is indeed the question that Brandon Sanderson addresses in this trilogy. In the Mistborn series, Sanderson has created a dark and magical world of nobles and slavery and he peoples this world with powerful and interesting characters.

     It took me about 200 pages to get into this story--I'd actually started it before (over a year ago) and couldn't quite get hooked. I think that those 200 pages, in which the story and the characters and the complicated magical system are all introduced, were just a little too technical--or something--to capture my interest right away. I don't always have the patience for all the little details of a new world and its politics and magics--do I just lack the attention span of a true sci-fi/fantasy nerd? I don't know, but this time I powered through that beginning and the story finally grabbed me; now that I'm finished I can't wait to read the next one! I highly recommend this book.

Bad language: none
Sex: none

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