Monday, December 3, 2012

The Body in the Boudoir b y Katherine Hall Page

This is a charming mystery, one of an established series. Our main character, Faith, is looking back at an event from her past and telling us the story of her wedding to her beloved husband Tom.

I really hate writing summaries. Okay, here goes. Faith Sibley, daughter of a clergyman, vows never to marry one herself--until she meets the handsome, wonderful Thomas Fairchild, who sweeps her off her feet. She agrees to marry him and go with him to New England, leaving her beloved New York City and her catering business behind. But she has a lot to take care of in the city before she can go--and her first order of business is the wedding which they plan to have at Faith's adored Uncle Sky's mansion on Long Island.

But some mysterious things are happening. And then someone is murdered at Uncle Sky's house. She begins to feel that someone is trying to harm her.

I really liked this book. It was entertaining and I never guessed who the murderer was! The one thing that bothered me is that Tom Fairchild is a CLERGYMAN who presumably is conversant with the Bible and the commandments. But still he and Faith go to bed together before their marriage (no sex scene though). Strange. I just don't get that. I thought the commandments said something about sex outside of marriage.... Well. Silly me. Anyway, I really liked the book.

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